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Exercise Referral course in London - spaces available.

CLICK HERE to learn more and sign up today. Exercise Referral course in London - spaces available.

Why choose me for your training needs?

It’s a fair question.

There are plenty of training providers out there, so what makes a course with Balance so special?

Enjoy the very best face-to-face learning experience.

    • There’s a certain magic that happens when people come together in person to learn. It makes for a truly enjoyable experience that you’ll never forget.

      • Learn by doing not just watching.

      • Ask questions as they spring to mind.

      • Commit yourself to a schedule of dates. No more putting off that online course you signed up for because there’s always something else to do!

      • Share your knowledge and experience with others and learn shed-loads from them in return.

      • Build valuable connections and friendships with like-minded fitness professionals.

      • When learning needs to be online I’ll deliver live sessions so you’re never on your own.

    • With 17 years of experience teaching fitness professionals like you, I’ve learned a lot about what makes for a great course.

      • Together, we’ll create a fun, relaxed, safe, supportive, respectful learning environment where everyone feels valued and their needs are catered for.

      • Never sit still for long with the perfect blend of theory and practical skills. Learn vital knowledge then get in the gym and start applying it straight away.

      • Cleverly designed assessments to keep them engaging and useful. No more feeling like you’re repeatedly answering the same questions over and over. No lengthy assessment workbooks. We don’t use the standard assessments. I’ve designed them especially for you with bite-sized worksheets and plenty of practical tasks.

      • I’ll work with you to make the complicated seem simple, and provide you with tips and techniques to help you understand the challenging terminology.

      • Endless patience and support from me, and a truly personalised journey for you and every single learner. More on this in a second.

Get exceptional support and customer service before, during, and long after your course.

    • Communicate with me throughout: From the moment you inquire, to receiving your certificate and long beyond, you’ll always be able to get straight through to me for the help you need.

    • Start your journey the right way: When you’ve signed up, we’ll arrange a time for a one-to-one chat to make sure I answer all of your questions. You can let me know what I can do to help you learn best and together we’ll agree a learning plan that feels right for you.

    • Small learner numbers for the personal touch: With just a few courses each year and only 12 learners per course, you’ll always get the focused attention and support you need.

    • Mentoring included in the course price: When you sign up to a course, you’ll get a free one-to-one mentoring session with me where we can discuss how you’ll use the qualification to further your business, reach new customers, and take your career to new heights.

    • Free membership to the Balance Wellbeing Expert Club: You’ll receive exclusive updates on new research and ideas related to the content you learned on course so that you always stay up to date. You’ll also get privileged access to new courses and special offers unique to you.

  • All of my courses are built for you with two key goals in mind:

    1. Deliver the highest quality training possible, so that if my mum or dad, or any of my loved ones needed help with their fitness and wellbeing, I’d know with absolute certainty that they were in excellent hands with you.

    2. Create the very best learning experience, where you don’t just fill in workbooks and pass, you truly understand what you’re doing, why, and you can use it immediately with clients.

Learn from a vastly experienced and knowledgeable tutor and fitness professional.

    • Experience: 22 years in the industry, 17 of them teaching and developing courses for health, fitness, and wellbeing professionals like you.

    • Knowledge: A BA Hons in Sports Studies and an MSc in Exercise and Nutrition Science, plus bags of fitness, wellbeing, and teaching qualifications.

    • Practice: I’ve trained thousands of clients and thousands more learners over the years, so I’ve learned plenty from them along the way and I’ll keep learning for many years to come!

    • Understanding: I’ve been employed in a range of senior health and fitness roles (including one as as Curriculum Manager for what was the largest fitness training provider in the UK at the time). I’ve run two extremely successful businesses, worked in gyms, outdoors, in people’s homes, in the private medical world and corporate wellbeing, and written courses for many of the biggest training companies and awarding organisations, so I know the industry inside out.

    • Wellbeing-focused: I’ve focused my career on helping others to make lasting changes and working with people with a range of medical conditions. If you want a truly holistic approach to working with your clients, Balance courses will provide it.

Fully accredited courses

Exercise Referral and PT for People with Medical Conditions


  • London, July 2024 face-to-face.

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Paul’s knowledge and expertise provides a wonderful insight into health conditions and creates an opportunity to use the qualification as a progression in the fitness industry.

The knowledge I’ve gained from Paul has allowed me to really understand my clients and ensure they are always safe and well during their sessions.

I have no hesitation in recommending Paul as one of the best tutors I have had the pleasure to work with.
— Liam Rushmer, CEO of Fitness Rush

Need training for your team?

From the main qualifications to specialist CPDs, I can develop and deliver courses precisely tailored to your company’s needs.

Call me on 0775 200 1203 to find out more or message me to ask a question or request a free consultation.

Paul’s depth and breadth of knowledge and experience was instantly clear and the course was packed full of helpful case studies and analogies for us to learn from.

I picked up so much that I could take back and use instantly in my personal training.

I really value my time with Paul as a tutor.
— Jane Pett, owner of JP Fitness Cornwall

Have a question?

CLICK HERE to email me.

Alternatively, call me on 0775 200 1203.

More help with your Personal Training career

1:1 business mentoring and coaching to help you achieve your fitness career goals

Click here to message me and request a completely free consultation.

Learn more about the Balance approach and how I help people improve their health, fitness, and wellbeing in a way that lasts.

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